Bristol 1: Saturday and Sunday
Saturday 30 September
Some background about Bristol. I lived and worked here in the middle of my two years in the UK. I arrived 15 July 1995 and left 30 December 1995, finishing the final six months of my working visa back in London where I had spent the first twelve months.
I am staying in Cotham which is to the north of the city centre. My hotel (The Arches) is only a couple of kilometres from the centre. I'd never been to Cotham before (at least I don't remember it) but I like it. The Arches is run by Maggie and Tim - Australians - who provide me with Vegemite (though I did bring my own jar). They're lovely and my room is comfortable and warm.
I am in my PJs as soon as I settle in and in bed by 9pm watching the BBC.
Sunday 1 October
After a good night's sleep and a lovely vegetarian breakfast I head off. I can't see very well even with my glasses and my eyes just won't adjust. I have to wear them most of the day to prevent me talking to lamp posts.
I am standing at 9.00am at a bus stop waiting on the 75 into town. It is warm but bucketing down and my feet are getting wet. Welcome back to England Jody.
When I get into the city centre I recognise hardly anything. I have to remind myself that I only lived in Bristol for six months - eleven years ago - so I forgive myself for wondering where the hell I am. I do recognise a few things and the city is compact and well-signposted.
I head off to my old workplace. In 1995, Unilever had their international market development company based here and I was an accounts payable clerk. I loved my job and the people I worked with. The company ceased its Bristol operation around 1998 but Greyfriars (the building) is still there. It is totally weird being there again: strange and empty because it no longer means the same as it did to me eleven years ago.
Along I trot to the historic Christmas Steps and then down to the Harbourside. This was being developed into a trendy cafe spot in '95 and is now operational. But no cafes were open when I called past at around 10.30am. Not like back home where we expect them to be open at 7.00am!
It is still raining hard.
Millennium Square is also new and I wander around a while then find the Information Centre. Here the nice lady tells me that the Clevedon ferry service is not operating from now until next year. I had planned to spend a day ferrying from Clevedon (a coastal suburb of Bristol) back to the city. October is rest month for many attractions, theatre companies and bands I discover...
Off I go again and the rain still pours down.
I head into the city centre again and this time to the Old City. I wander up toward Corn Street and the St Nicholas Markets but end up down a narrow cobblestone lane and into a large loft-like gallery where a local artist is showing some dark and gloomy works. I love them and want to buy a few but they average £800 - £1200 so I admire them, chat with the artist then leave.
I end up in Corn Street in the slow food market and buy and gobble up an exquisite fresh-cream truffle which makes my eyes roll back in my head.
I meander around the city for an hour or two more, look in a few shops then tiredness overwhelms me and I get back on the 75 to Cotham. Marks & Spencers salads for dinner then beddy-byes.
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