Caer Sidi

13 October 2006

Thrills and Spills

Wednesday 11 October

My last full day and night in Glastonbury. I decided to stay an extra night as I was rushing around and the flat became free so Anna let me know it was available. I'm glad I stayed the extra night because two significant things happened.

My last visit up the Tor and it was windy, wild and cold as it should be. I said my goodbyes and chatted to a local guy for a while before heading down. On my way back to the flat I slipped on some wet leaves and fell hard on my back. It's always such a primal feeling, losing your footing like that and I have a fairly long way to fall.

I picked myself up as soon as a could and limped home, crying my heart out. It was such a shock and I felt so much pain. I got back, had some soup for dinner but almost threw it up as I felt so weird. I calmed myself down and slunk around to the main house to see Anna and Simon.

They both had interpretations of the fall. I said I would spend some time thinking about why it happened and why at that moment. I spent the next few hours in their wonderful company, drinking wine and having a great time. During the evening, one of their sons Timmy phoned from boarding school boasting his excellent report which was far better than his big brother Frankie's!

I headed off to bed about 10pm but then came back to the main house to ask something and Simon had started to practice his guitar playing. Anna suggested he and I have a jam so Simon and I sang and he played. We managed to belt out Hotel California, Angie and Norwegian Wood before lyric and chord limitations overtook us. It was great and our voices worked well together.

My back and bum were still sore but I was feeling so much better for having spent time with them. So, armed with Anna's lavendar oil to rub into the affected areas, I went to bed very happy despite the pain!